Indian Polity and Constitution MCQs

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86. The setting up of which of the following is NOT mentioned in constitution?

(A) Finance Commission
(B) Lok Sabha Secretariat
(C) Election Commission
(D) National Human Rights Commission

Correct Answer: (D) National Human Rights Commission


87. Which among the following constitutional amendment bills is known for establishment of administrative tribunals?

(A) 41st amendment act
(B) 42nd amendment act
(C) 61st amendment act
(D) 69th amendment act

Correct Answer: (B) 42nd amendment act


88. Who among the following appoints a Judge in the High Court of Indian state?

(A) President with advice of Chief Justice of India
(B) President with Advice of Prime Minister
(C) Law Ministry
(D) President with Advice of a collegium of Judges

Correct Answer: (D) President with Advice of a collegium of Judges


89. Consider the following comparisons of systems of government in India and Japan:

  1. Both the countries have bicameral legislatures
  2. Both the countries are constitutional monarchies
  3. Public does not directly choose the prime minister in both the countries

Select the correct option from the codes given below:

(A) Only 1 & 2
(B) Only 2 & 3
(C) Only 1 & 3
(D) 1, 2 & 3

Correct Answer: (C) Only 1 & 3


90. Which among the following was the purpose of setting up the Balwant Rai Mehta Committee in 1956?

(A) Suggesting measures for democratic decentralization
(B) Reporting the working of the Village Panchayats
(C) Suggesting measures for better efficiency in the implementation of the Community Development Projects
(D) Investigating the feasibility of setting up new Panchayat Machinery

Correct Answer: (C) Suggesting measures for better efficiency in the implementation of the Community Development Projects


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