Viruses From Animal and Plants – Section 1

1. Animal viruses with capsids displaying helical symmetry include

A. measles and mumps
B. influenza
C. rabies
D. all of these

Correct Answer: D. all of these

2. Icosahedral viruses are generally

A. polio viruses
B. adeno viruses
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these

Correct Answer: C. both (a) and (b)

3. Negative strand ssRNA viruses need to have a preformed replicase when they invade a mammalian cell because they

A. use it to terminate transcripts when they copy host cell mRNA
B. have to make a positive strand copy that can be translated
C. use it to modify host enzymes that are recruited for viral replication
D. none of the above

Correct Answer: B. have to make a positive strand copy that can be translated

4. Which of the following reflects the correct order of events that take place during the multiplication of a virus?

A. Attachment, penetration, maturation, biosynthesis, release
B. Penetration, attachment, biosynthesis, maturation, release
C. Attachment, penetration, biosynthesis, maturation, release
D. Attachment, release, biosynthesis, maturation, penetration

Correct Answer: C. Attachment, penetration, biosynthesis, maturation, release

5. What can be coated to the plastic dish if an ELISA is performed to directly detect polio virus?

A. Patient serum
B. Anti-polio antibody
C. Polio capsid protein
D. Colored substrate

Correct Answer: B. Anti-polio antibody

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