Plant Cell Culture – Section 1

1. A(n) __________ is an excised piece of leaf or stem tissue used in micropropagation.

A. microshoot
B. medium
C. explant
D. scion

Correct Answer: C. explant

2. Protoplasts can be produced from suspension cultures, callus tissues or intact tissues by enzymatic treatment with

A. cellulolytic enzymes
B. pectolytic enzymes
C. both cellulolytic and pectolytic enzymes
D. proteolytic enzymes

Correct Answer: C. both cellulolytic and pectolytic enzymes

3. Which of the following is considered as the disadvantage of conventional plant tissue culture for clonal propagation?

A. Multiplication of sexually derived sterile hybrids
B. Less multiplication of disease-free plants
C. Storage and transportation of propagates
D. Both (b) and (c)

Correct Answer: C. Storage and transportation of propagates

4. What is meant by ‘Organ culture’?

A. Maintenance alive of a whole organ, after removal from the organism by partial immersion in a nutrient fluid
B. Introduction of a new organ in an animal body with a view to creating a genetic mutation in the progenies of that animal
C. Cultivation of organs in a laboratory through the synthesis of tissues
D. The aspects of culture in the community which are mainly dedicated by the need of a specified organ of the human body

Correct Answer: A. Maintenance alive of a whole organ, after removal from the organism by partial immersion in a nutrient fluid

5. Which method of plant propagation involves the use of girdling?

A. Grafting
B. Cuttings
C. Layering
D. Micropropagation

Correct Answer: C. Layering

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