Object Oriented Programming Using C++ – Section 11

41. The loosest type of coupling is

A. data coupling
B. control coupling
C. external coupling
D. pathological coupling

Correct Answer:  A. data coupling

42. Which of the following is a string literal constant?

A. “Visual C++”
B. “137.45”
C. “A”
D. “2,365”
E. All of the above

Correct Answer:  E. All of the above

43. Which of the following, if any, are valid names for variables?

A. class
B. friend
C. #OnHand
D. void
E. None of the above are valid names for variables

Correct Answer:  E. None of the above are valid names for variables

44. A child class _____ exist if there is no parent class

A. must
B. may
C. cannot
D. can

Correct Answer:  C. cannot

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