Immune Response – Section 1

6. Polysaccharides on the surface of infecting microorganisms can also activate complement directly in the absence of

A. antibody via the alternative pathway
B. antigen via the alternative pathway
C. antibody via metabolic pathway
D. none of the above

Correct Answer: A. antibody via the alternative pathway

7. Antibodies bound to an invading microorganism activate the complement system via

A. classical pathway
B. metabolic pathway
C. Embden Meyerhof pathway
D. Entner-Doudoroff pathway

Correct Answer: A. classical pathway

8. The immune response to a booster vaccine is called a(n)

A. cellular response
B. innate response
C. primary response
D. secondary response

Correct Answer: D. secondary response

9. Immunological memory is due to

A. short lived macrophage that can recognize specific pathogens
B. long lived B cells that secrete a specific antibody
C. long lived B cells that secrete a specific antigen
D. short lived helper T cells that signal macrophage to divide

Correct Answer: B. long lived B cells that secrete a specific antibody

10. What is the result of an abnormal response of the immune system to part of a person’s own body?

A. Passive immunity
B. Cancer
C. An allergic response
D. An autoimmune disease

Correct Answer: D. An autoimmune disease
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