Nucleic Acid Structure – Section 1

1. In DNA sequencing, the primer

A. specifies where the sequence ends
B. specifies where the sequence begins
C. both (a) and (b)
D. generates variety of different sized fragments

Correct Answer: B. specifies where the sequence begins

2. The chromosome of almost all bacteria is in the shape of

A. an open circle
B. helix
C. a closed circle
D. a linear chromosome

Correct Answer: C. a closed circle

3. In which of the following uracil is present?

C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

Correct Answer: A. RNA

4. To which of the following adenine always binds?

A. Guanine
B. Cytosine
C. Thymine
D. None of these

Correct Answer: C. Thymine

5. Guanine always binds to

A. cytosine
B. guanine
C. thymine
D. none of these

Correct Answer: A. cytosine

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