Specialized Practice for ACT English Test – Passage 12

Part 3

This highway project helps protect both humans and animals. (9) Surveillance cameras have (10) captured animals seeming (11) to teach their young how to use the structures. A mother black bear nudges her cub as it climbs onto the overpass; then the two walk (12) ahead quickly so her cub will follow her. White-tailed does lie down (in a culvert) (13) as their fawns run back and forth in it, and then they all walk through the culvert together. With thousands of deer having bounded over one new bridge, animals seem to be learning that they have found safe passage.

Which statement most effectively introduces this paragraph?
G. The very highways that allow people to move freely often block the movement of animals.
H. So far, these wildlife crossings appear to be doing what they were designed to do.
J. Safe, carefully placed fencing seems to help animals use the crossings.

Correct Answer:H

B. that record nearby activities have
C. recording animals have
D. have recorded and

Correct Answer:A

G. are seeming
H. while seem
J. seem

Correct Answer:F

B. she walks
C. they walk
D. it walks

Correct Answer:B

G. down, in a culvert,
H. down, in a culvert
J. down in a culvert

Correct Answer:J

Questions 14 and 15 ask about the preceding passage as a whole.

The writer is considering adding the following sen- tence to the essay:
If the road were widened conventionally, crossing it would become even more dangerous, and animals would eventually be trapped in haphazard fragments of their natural habitat.
If the writer were to add this sentence, it would most logically be placed at:
A. Point A in Paragraph 1.
B. Point B in Paragraph 2.
C. Point C in Paragraph 2.
D. Point D in Paragraph 3.

Correct Answer:C

Suppose the writer’s primary purpose had been to describe the process by which a few groups worked together to achieve a common goal. Would this essay accomplish that purpose?
F. Yes, because the essay makes clear that groups worked together in the 1980s to prevent the redesign of several historic two-lane roads in Montana.
G. Yes, because the essay describes the organized group protests by tribes, engineers, and scientists that led to the animal crossings being built.
H. No, because although the essay states that groups worked together to create animal crossings, the essay focuses on describing the benefits of the structures.
J. No, because the essay instead focuses on providing data to show the number of animal deaths that a road redesign project has prevented.

Correct Answer:H

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