See If You Can PASS the Brainrot Quiz in 10 Seconds!

1.  A cat has nine tails and is sitting on a regular chair, why?

Correct Answer:Because the cat is a nine-tailed cat, and the chair is regular.

2. What gets dirtier the more it’s washed?

Correct Answer:Water.

3. A house has four walls, each wall has a window, and each window faces south. Where is the house?

Correct Answer:The house is at the North Pole.

4. What gets smaller the more you add to it?

Correct Answer:A hole.

5. There is a country with only one road, no traffic lights, no signs, no police, and vehicles can drive freely. Where is this country?

Correct Answer:Saudi Arabia.

6. What grows larger at night?

Correct Answer:Shadow.

7. What moves but never leaves its spot?

Correct Answer:Clock’s hands.

8. What makes you cry when you see it?

Correct Answer:Onion.

9. What breaks the moment you use it?

Correct Answer:A candle.

10. What has a head, a tail, but no body, and has feet but can’t walk?

Correct Answer:A coin.

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