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6. The term ‘polling’ in a computer means a process by which a computer system
A. detects/corrects errors
B. multiplexes the inputs and updates the memory accordingly
C. decides correct alternative by analysing several ones
D. inquires to see if a terminal has any transaction to send
E. None of the above
7. In which addressing mode, the address of the location of the operand is given explicitly as a part of the instruction.
A. absolute mode
B. immediate mode
C. index mode
D. modulus mode
E. None of the above
8. Under virtual storage,
A. a single program is processed by two or more CPUs
B. two or more programs are stored concurrently in primary storage
C. only the active pages of a program are stored in primary storage
D. interprogram interference may occur
E. None of the above
9. A base register table
A. allows the programmer to write base registers and displacements explicitly in the source program.
B. is used to remember which of the general-purpose registers are currently available as base registers, and what base addresses they contain.
C. allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the same time.
D. is a term that refers to the control programs of an operating system.
E. None of the above
10. File record length
A. should always be fixed
B. Should always be variable
C. depends upon the size of the file
D. should be chosen to match the data characteristics
E. None of the above
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