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6. Microbially produced streptokinase is used to
A. remove spots from laundry products
B. dissolve clots for patients with coronary blockages
C. clarify fruit juice
D. breakdown starch molecules into smaller sugars
7. Anaerobic bacteria undergoes butyric isopropyl fermentation in carbohydrates to yield
A. glycol
B. butyric acid
C. acetic acid
D. all of these
8. Who was the first scientist to observe the antibiotic and therapeutic properties of penicillin?
A. Louis Pasteur
B. Alexander Fleming
C. S. C. Prescott
D. E. P. Abraham
9. Which of the following organism is utilized to obtain commercial L-lysine by direct method?
A. Micrococcus glutamicus
B. Mutated strain of Micrococcus glutamicus
C. Brevibacterium ammoniagenes
D. Mutated strain of Brevibacterium ammoniagenes
10. “Vinegar mother” in Orleans process is
A. inoculum of acetobacter bacteria used
B. considerable slime and film growth of Acetobacter bacteria on the surface of the alcoholic broth
C. cellulosic strands produced by Acetobacter bacteria to hold cells together
D. none of the above
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