Graphical reasoning test – 1

Graphical reasoning


1. As shown in the figure below, find the pattern of filling in the shapes. Which shape A-E can complete the puzzle?


Correct Answer:  C

Adding the first row to the second row gives the graph in the third row, and the identical parts in the first two rows disappear; adding the fourth column to the fifth column gives the graph in the sixth column, and the identical parts in the first two columns disappear.


2. Observe the arrangement order of the figures shown in the figure below. Which of the following options can replace the question mark?

640 (1)

Correct Answer:  D

The figures in each pair of circles form the figures in the circle above them, but only the different parts of the two circles are retained and the identical parts are removed.


3. As shown in the figure below, which pattern is suitable to fill in the blank space of the figure?

640 (2)

Correct Answer:  B

At each horizontal or vertical position, the interval graphic is rotated 90 degrees each time.


4. Which shape is suitable to fill in the question mark?

640 (3)

Correct Answer:  D

Adding row 1 to row 2 gives the graph in row 3, but the identical parts are gone. Adding column 4 to column 5 gives the graph in column 6, but the identical parts are gone.


5. Stringed chess pieces: As shown in the picture below, which string of chess pieces is special?

640 (4)

Correct Answer:  D

Only D rotates counterclockwise from outside to inside. The others rotate clockwise from outside to inside.


6. Suspicious circles: As shown in the figure below, which circle is different from the others?

640 (5)

Correct Answer:  E

A is a mirror image of C, and B is a mirror image of D.


7. Changing paper clips: As shown in the figure below, the change from A to B is similar to the change from C to which item?

640 (6)

Correct Answer:  F

The big parts become smaller and the small parts become bigger.


8. Abnormal pattern: Among A-D, one pattern has abnormality. Which one is “different” from the other three? Why?

640 (7)

Correct Answer:  B

It is a mirror image of the other figures, and the other three figures are the same figure rotated at different angles.




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