1. β-amylase is
A. endoenzyme
B. exoenzyme
C. saccharifying enzyme
D. both (b) and (c)
2. Juice clarification extraction is facilitated by using
A. cellulases
B. amylase
C. inulinase
D. lactase
3. Lysozyme is naturally present in
A. egg white
B. bacteria
C. tears & milk
D. all of these
4. Enzymes act as antimicrobials
A. by depriving an organism of a necessary metabolite
B. by generating a substances toxic to the organism
C. by attracting a cell wall component
D. all of the above
5. Trichoderma β-glucanase is reported
A. to stabilize mashing
B. to convert taste fractions of dextrins to fermentable sugars in beer
C. to convert starch to dextrin
D. all of the above
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