Daily Math Practice Challenge: Preparing for the ACT Exam-DAY 10

6. Two of the sides of a triangular garden have lengths of 100 feet and 80 feet, respectively. The angle formed by these 2 sides measures 60°. Which of the following is closest to the length, in feet, of the 3rd side of the garden?
(Note: The law of cosines states that for any triangle with vertices A, B, and C, where the sides opposite those vertices have lengths a, b, and c, respectively, c² = a² + b² − 2ab cos C; cos 60° = 0.5.)

A. 60
B. 90
C. 92
D. 120
E. 156

Correct Answer:C

Use the following information to answer questions 7-9.

The table below gives the average daily attendance for each grade level at JFK High School for 4 months of the current school year. The boxplots below show the distribution of JFK’s total daily attendance figures for the previous school year (180 days) and for half of the current school year (90 days).

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7. Considering only the attendance for the months given in the table, which grade level, if any, has the strongest negative linear correlation between the number of months into the current school year and the average daily attendance for the month?

F. 9th
G. 10th
H. 11th
J. 12th
K. No grade level has a negative correlation.

Correct Answer:G

8. . The number of school days at JFK High School in each of the 4 months is given below.

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Using the attendance numbers in the table, which of the following expressions gives the average daily attendance for the 9th grade for this 4-month period?

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Correct Answer:D

9. One of the following statistics is greater for the data from the previous school year than for the data from the current school year. Which one?

F. 1st quartile
G. 3rd quartile
H. Median
J. Maximum
K. Variance

Correct Answer:K

10. If −2 ≤ x ≤ 4 and −1 ≤ y ≤ 5, what is the maximum value of ⎪x − y⎪ ?

A. 9
B. 7
C. 6
D. 5
E. 4

Correct Answer:B

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