2024 SAT Test Math Practice 7


Sat math 17 3

In figures I and II above, two stacks of identical carpenter’s sawhorses are shown, with heights of 92 and 60 inches, respectively. The height, in inches, of a stack of k sawhorses is given by the function h(k) = 16k + 12, where k is a positive integer and k ≥ 1. The number 12 in the function represents which of the dimensions shown in Figure III ?

A. a, the height of one sawhorse
B. b, the distance from the bottom of one sawhorse to the bottom of the next highest sawhorse
C. c, the distance from the top of one sawhorse to the bottom of the next highest sawhorse
D. d, the width of a sawhorse at the top

Correct Answer: C

Answer Explanation:

Start by using Process of Elimination to eliminate (D) because the entire question is about finding the height, and (D) has nothing to do with height. The difference between the left and middle stacks is 2 stacked sawhorses. The height added to the stack of sawhorses by adding two to thestack can therefore be calculated as 92 – 60 = 32. Therefore, the added height of one stacked sawhorse is 32 ÷ 2 = 16. From this information, keep subtracting the 16 inches added to the top of a stack by each additional sawhorse until you get down to one sawhorse in the stack. If three sawhorses are 60 inches tall, two will be 60 – 16 = 44 inches tall and one sawhorse will be 44 – 16 = 28 inches tall. Choice (A), the height of one sawhorse, can now be eliminated. Another way to think about the height added to the stack of sawhorses by each additional sawhorse is to think of it as the distance between the top of one sawhorse and the top of the next. Since all the sawhorses are the same height, this distance is also the distance from the bottom of one sawhorse to the bottom of the next. Since this distance is 16, eliminate (B). Therefore, the answer must be (C). The height of one sawhorse is 28, which is b + c, so the overlap, c, is 28 – 16 = 12.



Sat math 17 4

In the figure above, if sin a = cos b, which of the following is closest to the length of DF ?

A. 5.6
B. 8.7
C. 11.2
D. 12

Correct Answer: B

Answer Explanation:

Remember that sin a = cos b means that a and b are complementary angles. Therefore, the two triangles are similar and cos a = sin b as well and you can set up the following equation: ​\( \frac{5}{8}=\frac{7}{EF} \)​Now that you have solved for EF (11.2), you can use the Pythagorean theorem (a² + b² = c²) to solve for DF. 11.2² = 7² + DF². The correct answer is (B). Alternatively, you could have used the Pythagorean theorem to solve for BC and then set up a proportion between the similar triangles. Just make sure that you recognize that AC corresponds to DE rather than DF.



Sat math 17 5

Rick, Shane, and Darryl work at a widget factory. The table above shows the number of hours they each spent at the factory on a given day, the number of widgets they produced, and the number of 15-minute breaks they took while they were at the factory. Each man works at a constant rate.

Rick and Shane are each assigned an equal number of widgets. Neither will take breaks in order to complete this assignment as quickly as possible. Rick offers to do a certain percentage of Shane’s assignment so that they both finish at the same time. What percentage of Shane’s original assignment does Rick do?

A. 12.50%
B. 14.30%
C. 16.70%
D. 25%

Correct Answer: B

Answer Explanation:

First, solve for Rick’s hourly rate and Shane’s hourly rate. Since Work = Rate × Time, Rick produces 8 widgets per hour (28 widgets ÷ 3.5 hours without breaks) and Shane produces 27 ÷ 3.5 = 6 widgets per hour. Now plug in. Since you know they have a combined rate of 14 widgets per hour, choose a total amount that is divisible by 14. Let’s say they were each assigned 14. This means that the total produced is 28, and at a total rate of 14 per hour. Therefore, it takes them 2 hours to finish. During this time Rick would produce 16 widgets and Shane would produce 12 widgets. Therefore, Rick must have done 2 of Shane’s originally assigned 14 widgets, which is 14.3% of 14. This matches (B).



Sat math 17 6

The graph above represents the effect of efforts to reintroduce Chrysocyon brachyurus, a wolf-like predator, to Uruguay. It tracks the population of both Chrysocyon brachyurus and Sylvilagus brasiliensis, the rabbit species that is a primary food-source.

For which of the following periods did the Sylvilagus brasiliensis population undergo the greatest percent decrease?

A. ’91-’92
B. ’93-’95
C. ’99-’00
D. ’00-’01

Correct Answer: D

Answer Explanation:

Sat math 17 7


10. If cos θ = 1.66, then tan θ =?

A. 0.6
B. 0.76
C. 1.32
D. 1.76

Correct Answer: B


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