2024 SAT Test Math Practice 12

6. A total of 140,000 votes were cast for two candidates, Skinner and Whitehouse. If Skinner won by a ratio of 4 to 3, how many votes were cast for Whitehouse?

A. 30,000
B. 40,000
C. 60,000
D. 80,000

Correct Answer: C

Answer Explanation:

Since this is a ratio question, let’s draw a Ratio Box. We know the ratio for the votes for Skinner and Whitehouse, and the total number of votes cast. Fill in the total by adding the ratio (4 + 3 = 7), and then find the multiplier by seeing how many times 7 goes into 140,000 (140,000 ÷ 7 = 20,000).

Sat math 22 4

The question wants to know how many votes Whitehouse received, which is 60,000, (C).



Sat math 22 5

The owner of a spice store buys 3 pounds each of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves from distributor D. She then sells all of the spices at $2.00 per ounce. What is her total profit, in dollars?

(1 pound = 16 ounces)

A. $192
B. $282
C. $384
D. $486

Correct Answer: B

Answer Explanation:

This is a hard question, so you have to stay on your toes. If the owner buys 3 pounds of each spice, that means she pays the following amounts for each spice:

cinnamon: $8 × 3 = $24

nutmeg: $9 × 3 = $27

ginger: $7 × 3 = $21

cloves: $10 × 3 = $30

So she pays a total of 24 + 27 + 21 + 30, or $102 for 12 pounds of spices. She then sells the spices per ounce, so you have to figure out first how many ounces of spices she has. If 1 pound is 16 ounces, then 12 pounds is 12 × 16, or 192 ounces. She sells all the spices at $2 per ounce, so she makes 192 × $2, or $384. To figure out her profit, subtract the amount she paid for the spices from the amount she made selling them: $384 – $102 = $282, (B).



Sat math 22 6

Five samples of each of three different rock types were collected on a hiking trip in Colorado. Each sample was analyzed for its gold content. The milligrams of gold found in each sample are presented in the table above. What is the percent difference of the average gold content in the granite samples when compared to the average gold content of the gneiss samples?

A. The gold content in the gneiss samples is 62% higher than the gold content in the granite samples.
B. The gold content in the granite samples is 62% higher than the gold content in the gneiss samples.
C. The gold content in the gneiss samples is 87% higher than the gold content in the granite samples.
D. The gold content in the granite samples is 87% higher than the gold content in the gneiss samples.

Correct Answer: D


9. Of all the houses in a certain neighborhood, 80% have garages. Of those houses with garages, 60% have two-car garages. If there are 56 houses with garages that are not two-car garages, how many houses are there in the neighborhood?

A. 93
B. 117
C. 156
D. 175

Correct Answer: D

Answer Explanation:

Start by figuring out what percent of the houses do not have two-car garages. Since 60% of the houses with garages have two-car garages, 40% of the houses with garages do not have two-car garages. In other words, 40% of 80% of the houses do not have two-car garages. Translate that into  math to get ​\( \frac{40}{100} \)​ × ​\( \frac{80}{100} \)​= 0.32 or 32% of the houses. The problem tells us that 56 houses do not have two-car garages, which means 32% of the houses equals 56. Translating into math gives us ​\( \frac{32}{100} \)​ × x = 56. Solve for x, and you’ll get 175, which is (D).


10. On Tuesday, a watchmaker made 4 more  watches than he made during the previous day. If he made 16% more watches on Tuesday than on Monday, how many watches did he make on Tuesday?

A. 20
B. 21
C. 25
D. 29

Correct Answer: D

Answer Explanation:

Let’s try out the answers and see which one works. Start with (B). If the watchmaker made 21 watches on Tuesday, then he must have made 17 watches on Monday. We know that he should have made 16% more watches on Tuesday than on Monday, so let’s use the percent change formula ​\( \frac{difference}{original} \)​× 100 to see if we get 16%: ≈ 23.5%, which is too big. Eliminate answer choice (B). We want the 4 watches to be a smaller percent of the total, so we need a bigger total. Try a bigger answer choice, like (D). If he made 29 watches on Tuesday, then he made 25 watches on Monday. Now the percent change is ​\( \frac{4}{25} \)​ = 0.16 = 16%, which is exactly what we wanted. Therefore, (D) is your answer.


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