2024 SAT Test Math Practice 1

6. The price of an item that cost $43 in 2010 always increases by $3 per year. The current price in dollars, P, of the item can be represented by the equation P = 3t + 10, where t is the number of years since the item was first manufactured. Which of the following best explains the meaning of the number 10 in the equation?

A. It is the price of the item in 1999.
B. It is the price of the item in 2000.
C. It is the price of the item in 2001.
D. It is the annual increase in the price of the item.

Correct Answer: A

Answer Explanation:

Use Process of Elimination to solve this question. According to (A), the price of the item in 1999 was $10. According to the question, the price of the item in 2010 was $43, and the price of the item increased by $3 every year. 1999 is 11 years before 2010. Therefore, the price of the item in 1999 can be calculated as 43 – 11(3) = 10. Keep (A) but check the other answer choices just in case. Eliminate (B) and (C), since these answers could not also be correct. Eliminate (D) because the annual price increase is given as $3 in the question. Therefore, the correct answer is (A).



Math 10 2

In the circle with center O and radius 10 shown above, ∠AOB =​\( \frac{2π}{5} \)​ . What is the length of minor arc AB ?

A. π
B. 2π
C. 4π
D. 20π

Correct Answer: C

Answer Explanation:

Use the formula arc = rθ, where r is the radius and θ is the measure of the central angle in radians. Because the angle is already in radians, you just need to plug in 10 for the radius and the angle into the formula. You then get s = (10) or 4π, which is (C).


8. Clark’s Rule is a formula used to determine the correct dosage of adult over-the-counter medicine a child can receive. The child’s weight, in pounds, is divided by 150, and the result is multiplied by the adult dose of the medicine. A mother needs to give her daughter acetaminophen, which has an adult dose of 1,000 milligrams. She does not know her daughter’s exact weight, but she knows the weight is between 75 and 90 pounds. Which of the following gives the range of correct dosage, d, in milligrams of acetaminophen the daughter could receive?

A. 50 < d < 60
B. 500 < d < 600
C. 1,000 < d < 1,200
D. 1,600 < d < 2,000

Correct Answer: B

Answer Explanation:

Start by calculating the least amount of acetaminophen the child needs. If the child is 75 pounds, then the amount of acetaminophen needed can be calculated as ​\( \frac{75}{150} \)​ × 1,000 =​\( \frac{1}{2} \)​ × 1,000 = 500. Since, only (B) gives 500 as the low-end value, the correct answer is (B).


9. Ohm’s Law, which can be written as IR = V, relates the current I in amperes that flows through a conductive material with resistance R ohms to the voltage V between the two ends. The power P in watts can be related to I and R by the equation I = ​\( \sqrt[]{\frac{P}{R}} \)​ . Which of the following gives P in terms of V and R ?

Math 10 3

Correct Answer: C

Answer Explanation:

Math 10 4



Math 10 5

The figure above shows the graph in the xy-plane of the function g. How many distinct real roots does g have?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Correct Answer: D

Answer Explanation:

A root of the equation is the same as an x-intercept. In the graph, the function crosses the x-axis at 4 points. Therefore, the correct answer is (D).


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