10 Interesting Trivia About US, I Bet 90% of Americans Don’t Know!

1.What is the first university established in the United States?

Correct Answer:Harvard University
Harvard University, established in 1636, holds the distinction of being the oldest institution of higher education in the United States. It was named after its first benefactor, John Harvard, a young minister who left his library and half of his estate to the institution upon his death in 1638.

2.What is the national animal of the United States?

Correct Answer:American Bison
The American Bison, also known as the American Buffalo, was designated as the national mammal of the United States in 2016. These majestic creatures, once on the brink of extinction, are now a symbol of the country’s wildlife conservation efforts.

3.Which state is the smallest in the United States?

Correct Answer:Rhode Island
Rhode Island has a total area of approximately 1,214 square miles (3,144 square kilometres), making it the smallest state in the United States. Despite its small size, Rhode Island has played an important role in American history and culture.

4.Who was the first President of the United States?

Correct Answer:George Washington
George Washington, a Founding Father and the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, became the first President of the United States in 1789. His leadership and statesmanship established many precedents for the nation’s highest office.

5.What is the national flower of the United States?

Correct Answer:Rose

6.What is the first constitution of the United States?

Correct Answer:The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence, adopted on July 4, 1776, not only declared the thirteen American colonies independent from British rule but also laid the groundwork for the United States Constitution, which followed years later.

7.What city is the capital of the United States?

Correct Answer:Washington, D.C.

8.What is the national bird of the United States?

Correct Answer:Bald Eagle

9.Which state is the largest in the United States?

Correct Answer:Alaska
The total area of Alaska is approximately 663,300 square miles (1,717,800 square kilometres), making it the largest state in the United States. This vast expanse is home to many magnificent natural landscapes, including snow-capped mountains, glaciers, forests and wildlife, making it an ideal place for outdoor adventurers and nature lovers.

10.What is the national musical instrument of the United States?

Correct Answer:Piano

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